Should Startups Use Social Media Marketing?

Lets talk about the advantage of social media marketing for startups

In the last few years, social media marketing has shifted from an option to a priority for startups.

Don't let the reputation that instagram has for promoting bodybuilders and bikini models fool you; while those kinds of accounts tend to draw attention, social media is a vast ocean with enormous value for all kinds of brands.

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In 2005, only 5% of American adults used social media. Today, that number has climbed to 70%, and the growth is expected to continue.

It is not hyperbole to posit that social media advertising is replacing television as the primary platform for reaching customers.

While direct advertising is a key part of the social media playbook, there are additional benefits that should be noted as well, particularly for startups.

Many people reach for Facebook or instagram even before making a Google search for a company because it often feels like a more direct way to engage the content.

Having a well designed social media portfolio is essential when forging that initial brand recognition and trust. Even if you are not directly selling through social media, having a presence is important.

Consumers even research the individuals that work for a given company using social media. If you can ensure that your employees have strong accounts that present their skills and experience, it goes a long way in establishing trust.

For a small company like a startup, the trust that comes from social media and personal connection can be the make or break factor in attaining new business. When those personal accounts are done right and are strategically integrated with their company account, the network effect is substantial.

Because startups can engage their audience on a more personal level, they can punch above their weight relative to larger corporations. Furthermore, the game of social media loves an underdog and everyone is interested in the new kid on the block.  

With the right strategy, engagement, and clockwork consistency, even small business with modest budgets can make a big splash.

For more information/consulting/management for social media marketing please visit our website:

Elisse Johnson